Targets & rounds
Scoring: Points
Info: 6 points & 6 rounds
Par-time: 90.00 sec
Details & image
Scoring: Points
CoF: The shooter will start 9m behind firing line, on fire command the shooter will run up to the firing line and engage target 1, hit to move to target two, hit to move to target 3.

When all targets are hit 1 time, remove magazine from weapon and move back to starting position to pick up second magazine and return to the firing line and engage the target in the same order as previous, but from weak side.
Target-info: 1: 380m, 2: 457m, 3: 560m
1: Ø15cm, 2: Ø20cm 3: Ø25cm
Equipment: All, two magazines
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R
Included in match
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