Targets & rounds
Scoring: Points
Info: 10 points & 20 rounds
Par-time: 120.00 sec
Par-time factor: 0.04 points/sec
Every second faster then par-time gives additional points
Setup: 2 magazines 50/50, HTM
Details & image
Scoring: Points
CoF: RRC: 1 / 4
Start: Behind oil drums.

On signal, engage targets from top of the vertical drum according to Target Sequence 1 , transition to the horizontal drum and engage the targets according to Target Sequence 1.
Transition to prone and engage targets according to Target Sequence 1.

Move to the foxhole and from the top engage targets according to target sequence 1, and from the inside, engage targets according to Target Sequence 1.

2 x Oil drums
1 x pallet foxhole

- Do not leave gear behind
- Engage safety before chambering a round.
- Engage safety before breaking sight picture.
Target-info: Target Sequence 1: TG1:1 x 2 + TG3 x 2

Target groups:
TG1: 30-30-30
TG3: 30
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R Edges of sound barriers
Included in match
download stage descriptions (*.pdf)

Currently no scores can be shown for this stage