Scoring: Points
CoF: RRC: 1/4
Start: Kneeling behind left trench, muzzle pointing down range.
On signal, engage targets according to target sequence 1 from top of the left trench.
transition to prone and engage the targets according to target sequence 2.
Transition to the right trench and from inside the trench, engage targets according to target sequence 3.
Left trench: Standing
Prone: Inbetween trenches.
Right trenche: Kneeling in shallow trench.
1 Standing trench
1 Foxhole rotated
Target-info: Target sequence 1: TG1: 1.1+1.2+1.3
Target sequence 2: TG2: 2.1+2.2+2.3
Target sequence 3: TG3: x 2
Target groups:
TG1: 30-30-30
TG2: 30-25-20
TG3: 30
Equipment: Bipod only
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R Outer edges of sound barriers.
Included in match
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