Targets & rounds
Scoring: Points & tie-breaker time
Info: 8 points & 12 rounds
Par-time: 90.00 sec
Par-time factor: 0.05 points/sec
Every second faster then par-time gives additional points
Setup: TG1: 30-20-15X20. TG2: 30 (singel). TG3: 30-20-15X20
Details & image
Scoring: Points & tie-breaker time
CoF: Max antal patroner per magasin: 6
RRC: 3

Skytten startar på vänster sida av vallen. På signal så springer skytten med oladdat vapen till första positionen.

Position 1: Prone. 6 skott TT.

Position 2: Tank trap. 2 skott TT.
Target-info: Position 1: TG 1:1 - 1:2 - 1:3 - TG 3:1 - 3:2 - 3:3

Position 2: TG 1:1 - TG: 2:1
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R
Included in match
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