Procedure: On the signal, the shooter will engage the left star and the dueling tree from box P3, and the right star and small spinner from box P4 with the pistol. The skinny sammies will be engaged with the rifle from P1, and then re-engaged from P1. The dueling tree plates will be engaged with the rifle from the barricade at P2. The dueling tree plates must be moved to the opposite side and returned. The left spinner and four plates will be engaged, with the shotgun from box P3, and the right spinner and four plates will be engaged from box P4. Guns may be used in any order.
Starting position: Gun loaded & holstered
Firearm ready condition:
Start on: Audible signal
Stop on: Last shot
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R
Included in match (Time-Plus penalties)
download stage descriptions (*.pdf)