Procedure: 1. Engage the 3 paper targets from Prone position behind 2nd white base line
2. Engage Poppers until they fall from single knee kneeling position in marked shooting box.
3. Engage Free standing Plates from standing position from behind Charge Line.
Relevant Targets from each position may be engaged in any order freestyle.
A compulsory reload is required between each positional transition you will need 3 Magazines in total.
If you do not have enough spare Magazines the reload must be performed by removing the magazine and touching your butt cheek with it before re inserting into the Rifle.
Engaging the wrong targets from any of the positions will incur a +10 second penalty for each target that falls (plates/Poppers) or for each hit (paper) You may not re engage any target after changing position.
Rifle Must be Grounded in 'Dump Barrel' before stopping the clock on table 1
Starting position: Standing R/H side of table 1/Rifle Condition 1 @ 'Low Port Arms'
Firearm ready condition:
Start on: Start Button
Stop on: Stop Button
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R/V 90/90/90
Included in match (Time-Plus penalties)
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