Targets & rounds
Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun
Rounds: 38
Max points: 100
Match percent: 8%
Paper: 10
Poppers: 5
Plates: 13
No-Shoot: 0
Total targets: 28
Details & image
Procedure: Stage 8
Start/Stop Button on table 3
Position seated behind table 3
Pistol on table on markers. Condition 1 all magazines to be used placed on table
Rifle Condition 1 Grounded on 45 degree Rest R/H side of table 2.
Shotgun Condition 1 on Table 3
Swingers are activated by the 2 white Poppers
The 3 Paper and 3 Poppers behind the screen at the far end of the Range are Pistol Targets
The other 5 paper targets are Rifle only
Orange Plates are shotgun only
Swingers and Plate rack targets must be engaged first from seated position.
Rifle Targets are to be engaged from directly behind Table 2. Rifle must be grounded safely in 45 degree rest. Shotgun to be grounded on table 4. Remaining pistol targets must be engaged last, free style through the Gap in the Screens.
All plates must fall to count.
All paper require Min 2 hits
Starting position: Seated behind Table 3
Firearm ready condition:
Start on: Audible signal (Shot Timer)
Stop on: Last shot fired
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R/V 90/90/90
Included in match (Time-Plus penalties)
download stage descriptions (*.pdf)

Currently no scores can be shown for this stage

Setup notes: