Procedure: Upon start signal and from within the shooting box, engage either the upper three targets or the lower three targets with only two rounds each, perform a mandatory reload, and engage the remaining three targets with only two rounds each.
Starting position: Standing facing down range heels against X's, fingers interlaced on back of head Gun loaded holsterd
Setup notes: The 4-feet-by-8-feet shooting box is centered on the wall and is set two feet back. The wall panels are 4 feet by 8 feet and stood on end. Each port is 3 feet high and 2 feet 4 inches wide. The outer edges of the ports are 16 inches in from the edge of the walls. The bottoms of the ports are 3 feet above the ground. The narrow wall at the 12-foot line is 4-feet-by-8-feet. The perforations of the no-shoots line up with the perforations of the A zone. Targets are set 5 feet high at the shoulders.