Targets & rounds
Rounds: 9
Paper: 9
Poppers: 0
Plates: 0
No-Shoot: 3
Total targets: 9
Details & image
Scenario & Procedure: Gun loaded with five rounds only. Upon start signal, proceed to B1 and engage any allowed targets, Proceed to B2 & B3 in an order of your choosing and engage allowed targets. Shots may be taken in any order shooter desires, but at least one target must be engaged from box B3 and all reloads MUST be from box B3. RULES: T1&T2 only from box B1,T8 & T9 only from box B2. All other targets from any box where safe to engage.

Note- Once box1 and box2 are vacated they may not be re-entered

Starting position: Shooter seated at P1 gun holstered hands on knees, concealment required
Firearm ready condition:
Start on: Audible signal
Stop on: Last shot
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R
Included in match
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