Targets & rounds
Firearms: Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle,
Rounds: 38
Paper: 12
Poppers: 0
Plates: 0
Frangibles: 1
No-Shoot: 6
Total targets: 13
Details & image
Scenario & Procedure: Scenario You just got back from checking things on your farm, You took out your shotgun, but your rifle is still in your car, Your wife gives you some coffee, when bad guys attack

Stage Procedure While seated, engage CL1-CL6 with the shotgun, stand up and move to B, bin shotgun, then draw handgun and engage T1-T3 with 3 rounds each, holster handgun, collect rifle and engage T5-T6 with 3 rounds each while moving to the car, from prone under the car engage T7-T12 with 3 rounds each

Starting position: Start seated at A, hands on mug, shotgun on table loaded Cruiser ready.
Firearm ready condition:
Start on: Audible signal
Stop on: Last shot
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R
Included in match
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