2017 IDPA CCP Sheepdog Trials - results results return

CCP I S MIL LWE SS L MIL Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 598.79 Natasja Brant CCP L MM USA Flagler Gun Club A887682
2 638.97 Erica Stone CCP L SS USA A724238
3 724.29 Michelle Mercurio CCP L NV USA A102377
4 741.45 Jacki Jackson CCP L MM USA A577044
5 780.33 Deanna Oleske CCP L MM USA A342046
6 824.97 Katelyn Woodruff CCP L MM USA pmrpc A829259
7 830.04 Lynne Phillips CCP L MM USA A105471

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