2017 IDPA CCP Sheepdog Trials - results results return

CCP I S MIL LWE SS L MIL Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 359.87 Lin Edwards CCP SS MIL EX USA BGSL A03606
2 455.54 Ed Sevetz CCP SS LWE SS USA A07726
3 457.18 Duane Charter CCP SS SS USA PMRPC A28664
4 487.73 Mike Stevenson CCP SS SS USA Cherokee A16988
5 535.53 George Hahn CCP SS SS USA A34736
6 549.44 Daniel Raymond CCP SS SS USA A669679
7 557.33 Wayne Ramsey CCP SS SS USA A24762
8 565.60 David Hopkins CCP SS SS USA A43408
9 629.31 Sergio Garcia CCP SS SS USA A50661
10 644.27 Thomas Simpson CCP SS MM USA FCIDPA A333736
11 679.17 Larry Carson CCP SS MM USA A226297

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