LRSA IDPA 4-14-18 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP COP REV REV J S L SS MIR LER MI Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 25 / 183.19 Daniel Cook SSP - EX USA A699209
2 33 / 183.30 Lee Ovaert CCP - MA USA Lrsa A53644
3 52 / 283.96 Jeffrey Lowery SSP - UN USA In Lee's squad please A397996
4 67 / 362.24 Lee Turner REV S MIR MM USA LRSA IDPA A53828
5 69 / 338.18 phillip johnson SSP S MM USA A332217
6 72 / 242.48 Christopher Dyer SSP MI EX USA LRSA A233517
7 75 / 390.06 Karen Whitlock CCP L MM USA A278883
8 82 / 367.31 Doug Longshore COP - MM USA A49027
9 87 / 380.38 Thomas Green SSP S MIR MM USA A938541
10 105 / 320.24 Dan Force SSP S LER SS USA A31778

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