Austin CAPS Club Sept 8th - results results return

SSP ESP CDP SSR L J Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 152.40 Christy Ross ESP L MM USA CAPS A53221
2 205.49 Julie Fredlund ESP L NV USA IDPA/AGAG A53119
3 241.12 Victoria Kogan ESP L NV USA CAPS Club, AG&AG Club A55759
4 241.97 Neina Moore SSP L UN USA Ag&AG
5 257.07 Auristela Moctezuma ESP L NV USA CAPS A50842
6 299.86 Melissa Devorsky SSP L UN USA AG&AG
7 445.68 Sandra McElroy SSP L UN USA

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