Austin CAPS Club Nov. 10th - results results return

SSP ESP CDP SSR L S MI Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 118.25 Jim Sanders CDP S EX USA Temple gun A48438
2 125.52 Jay Bone ESP S SS USA CAPS A34159
3 141.35 Mark Rodriguez ESP S MM USA CAPS A54332
4 152.36 leland johnson ESP S MM USA A47524
5 159.52 Jim Rucker SSP S MM USA Austin CAPS A48472
6 169.16 Michael Hill ESP S MM USA Temple Gun Club A42870
7 201.18 jim grosso SSP S UN USA
8 205.06 Jack Reynolds ESP S MM USA A55464
9 222.91 John Donovan SSP S NV USA CAPS A55980

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