Austin CAPS Club Jan. 12th - results results return

SSP ESP CDP SSR L S Most Accurate Compare statistics
First name
Last name
1 111.27 Nick Dumont ESP - SS USA CAPS A55688
2 122.18 Scott Sharp ESP - MM USA A53546
3 127.43 Joe Watson ESP - UN USA A519673
4 136.09 James Ash ESP S MM USA A24738
5 143.66 Fernando Roca ESP - MM USA A527863
6 146.52 Mark Rodriguez ESP S MM USA CAPS A54332
7 146.90 Chuck Webb ESP - SS USA A32563
8 150.00 Jason Newton ESP - MM USA A48373
9 169.15 Rafael Sanchez ESP - MM USA Austin CAPS Club A671053
10 197.11 Brad Wolfram ESP - UN USA A541670
11 237.58 Tracy Thronburg ESP L UN USA CAPS IDPA A54598

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