Richwood IDPA Match - September 2014 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP ESR SSR LWE SS S L Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 99999.99 Stephen Ormeroid SSP S SS USA Richwood Gun and Game Club A25973
2 99999.99 John Goble SSP S UN USA RGGC
3 99999.99 Kevin Pilsner SSP - EX USA RGGC A37233
4 99999.99 Kellen Beauchesne SSP - UN USA RGGC
5 99999.99 Steven Krieg SSP S MM USA richwood gun and game A24690
6 99999.99 Lyle Herman SSP LWE SS USA RGGC A983081
7 99999.99 Jeff Mabee SSP - UN USA Richwood Gun and Game Club A540593
8 99999.99 Ron Boylan SSP SS UN USA Richwood Gun & Game
9 99999.99 Andy Miller SSP - UN USA A782846
10 99999.99 Jon Mitchell SSP - SS USA A978703
11 99999.99 Mark Oates SSP S UN USA A854891
12 99999.99 Dennis Hutchinson SSP - MM USA A948530
13 99999.99 William Zelesny SSP - NV USA A854710
14 99999.99 Jonathan Knaur SSP - MM USA A36720
15 99999.99 Beth Duckworth SSP L NV USA A53441
16 99999.99 Mike Duckworth SSP - NV USA A45255
17 99999.99 Bill Cash SSP S MM USA A226145
18 99999.99 Dean Eberhart SSP S MM USA A864890
19 99999.99 EJ Early SSP LWE MM USA A651064
20 99999.99 Paul Herbert SSP S UN USA
21 99999.99 Laura Torres-Reyes SSP L EX USA Pickaway County A23213
22 99999.99 Anthony Stamm SSP - UN USA A383163
23 99999.99 Jeffery Smith SSP - UN USA
24 99999.99 Richard Carey SSP - UN USA
25 99999.99 John J Vacheresse SSP - UN USA pcsi
26 99999.99 Skip Bessell SSP SS UN USA pcsi
27 99999.99 Stacy Larmee SSP LWE UN USA
28 99999.99 Daniel Crusey SSP S UN USA Richwood Gun and Game

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