2014 IDPA THAILAND CHAMPIONSHIPS - results results return

SSP ESP CDP MIL LWE INT L MIL Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 302.62 Kobsak Chinawongwatana CDP - SS THA IDPA Thailand TH214334
2 325.66 Montrie Chanmol CDP - SS THA TH714178
3 387.98 Natakrit Eamskul CDP - MM THA Thailand IDPA Accociation TH371204
4 398.68 Pisit Makaew CDP - MM THA Thai IDPA TH553517
5 405.54 Pattarapol Lauhawatana CDP - MM THA idpa thailand TH386027
6 484.42 Winai Fangthavanich CDP S MM THA TDA THAILAND TH802502
7 496.14 Ekpol Mekvishai CDP - NV THA TH248943
8 531.82 Vichit Kambangphai CDP - NV THA TH298506
9 594.96 Ben Wong CDP INT NV MYS CSSG MY455424

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