CAPS Club July 13th Match - results results return

SSP ESP CDP ESR J S L Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 127.11 Jason Armstrong CDP - SS USA A33170
2 128.28 Jim Sanders CDP S EX USA Temple gun A48438
3 130.71 Jim Bone CDP - EX USA A35158
4 158.02 John Crowder CDP - SS USA CAPS Club A24783
5 169.92 Paul Payne CDP S UN USA
6 179.71 Jason Wehring CDP - UN USA
7 193.34 Louie Raue CDP - MM USA A50608
8 215.55 Leland Jan Turk CDP S MM USA CAPS A840320
9 292.10 Eric Vincent Sion CDP - UN USA A121366
10 371.89 Lino Domicoli CDP - UN USA

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