CAPS Club Oct 12th Match - results results return

SSP ESP CDP SSR BUG S MIL L MIL Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 108.00 Nick Dumont ESP - MA USA CAPS A55688
2 109.32 Ben Gilman ESP - MA USA CAPS A51626
3 113.81 Terry Burba ESP - EX USA LM04739
4 143.60 John Sullivan ESP - SS USA CAPS A536578
5 143.95 Scott Sharp ESP - SS USA A53546
6 148.61 Mark Rodriguez ESP S SS USA CAPS A54332
7 153.37 Gene Ross ESP - MM USA CAPS A53222
8 154.94 Andrew Iseminger ESP - UN USA
9 166.85 Dick Clark ESP S UN USA A477572
10 168.21 Lisa Farrell ESP L UN USA CAPS
11 170.57 Johan Van der Walt ESP S UN USA Caps A287667
12 206.36 Herb Wasson ESP - MM USA CAPS A836444
13 234.38 David Blair ESP - UN USA CAPS A680596

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