Bandera IDPA Feb 2015 Match - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP REV REV S SS Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 131.20 Gregg Kratochvil REV S DM USA A17949
2 142.09 Art McDonough CDP S EX USA A48344
3 160.51 Tim Reedy ESP S MM USA Bandera IDPA A01570
4 175.71 Thomas Durham SSP S MM USA A811426
5 181.70 David Rowe REV S EX USA Del Rio A56661
6 198.38 James Beitel SSP S SS USA Bandera idpa A04738
7 199.37 Dan Kiegler SSP S MM USA Bandera Gun Club A49642
8 213.55 Wayne Argence ESP S MM USA Bandera Gun Club A30434
9 220.80 Spencer Durham SSP S NV USA A153477
10 222.21 Stephen Burke CCP S UN USA Bandera IDPA A36022
11 228.73 Bob Neuser CDP S MM USA A44672

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