Bandedra IDPA December Match 2015 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP REV BUG REV S SS Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 99.60 Christopher D'Arcy ESP S MM USA Bandera IDPA & Tin Star Texans A813178
2 112.10 Jean Fuentes SSP L S SS USA A27904
3 118.39 Dan Kiegler SSP S MM USA Bandera Gun Club A49642
4 141.41 Spencer Durham SSP S NV USA A153477
5 144.11 Michael Espallargas SSP S UN USA Bandera IDPA
6 145.91 David Callaway CDP S MM USA Bandera IDPA A07055
7 149.77 Wayne Argence ESP S MM USA Bandera Gun Club A30434
8 152.76 John Reaves SSP S UN USA A10012

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