LRSA IDPA Classifier 2-13-16 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP REV REV LER J I MI S MIR LE SS L Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 158.38 Daniel Berger CCP S MIR LER SS USA Little River Sportsmans Association A821480
2 173.44 Christopher Dyer CCP - UN USA A233517
3 175.19 Craig Cardella CCP - UN USA LRSA A342448
4 188.04 Michael Reithmiller CCP - UN USA LRSA A777147
5 200.08 Ted Glass CCP S UN USA Little River Sportsman's Association A963409
6 209.23 George Masciarelli CCP - UN USA LRSA A504769

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