LRSA IDPA 3-12-16 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP REV BUG REV S I LE L SS MIR LER MI Most Accurate Compare statistics
First name
Last name
1 182.45 Barry Luxenberg SSP S MM USA lrsa A774324
2 188.33 Christopher Dyer SSP MI SS USA A233517
3 200.14 Jake Stroisch SSP MI SS USA LRSA A734195
4 203.21 Philip Irwin SSP - MM USA A54192
5 204.02 Trent Kiesau SSP LER MM USA A175463
6 204.09 Johnny Cook SSP - MM USA A475249
7 206.37 Len Weld SSP SS MM USA LRSA A416425
8 210.83 Doug Longshore SSP - MM USA A49027
9 213.59 James Herren SSP S UN USA LRSA
10 226.09 George Masciarelli SSP - NV USA LRSA A504769
11 245.34 Larry Hamsley SSP S UN USA little river
12 270.48 David Sabal SSP S MIR MM USA A692380
13 299.89 F. L. "Zeke" Held SSP S MIR MM USA A172746
14 347.39 Patrick Davis SSP - UN USA LRSA
15 368.15 Ruth Masciarelli SSP L NV USA LRSA A258920
16 380.35 Bill Kelly SSP - NV USA little River shooting assoc A497747
17 406.91 John Laws SSP MI UN USA
18 558.65 Katherine Miner SSP L UN USA Lrsa

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