IDPA THAILAND CHAMPIONSHIPS 2016 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP S INT L Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 278.55 Yotrawee, James Uthaisonruedee CDP - MA THA FLASHBLACKtactics TH931146
2 329.85 Terdpong Vannarak CDP - SS THA BUSC
3 333.69 Vorasak Sangtawan CDP - SS THA
4 344.71 Montrie Chanmol CDP S SS THA TH714178
5 359.58 Theerasak Yupakaset CDP - NV THA BuSC
6 372.55 Narong Chaiyawong CDP S MM THA TH242539
7 407.19 Rolf Nuotio CDP S INT SS FIN Porkka FI453751
8 461.63 Montree Sripard CDP - MM THA TH704475
9 500.37 Tanakrit Sreth CDP - NV THA PPL IDPA CLUB TH720023

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