Bandera IDPA September 2016 match - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP REV OUT REV S SS L Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 19 / 168.15 Gregg Kratochvil REV S DM USA A17949
2 22 / 209.81 Tim Reedy ESP S MM USA Bandera IDPA A01570
3 26 / 216.23 James Beitel SSP S SS USA Bandera idpa A04738
4 32 / 199.58 Thomas Durham SSP - MM USA A811426
5 39 / 201.59 David Cocke SSP - UN USA A217617
6 48 / 195.69 Capt Jim Whitney OUT SS UN USA Bandera IDPA
7 54 / 189.52 Dave Wallace CDP S SS USA Bandera IDPA A25241
8 61 / 242.53 Duane Hemphill CDP SS SS USA River City Shooters A07828
9 82 / 176.58 Wayne White SSP SS SS USA Bandera IDPA A55507
10 89 / 244.66 Spencer Durham SSP - MM USA A153477
11 97 / 171.61 Wolf Laughlin SSP - SS USA Wolf Pack A12499
12 105 / 214.07 Patrick Flores ESP - MM USA A409278
13 135 / 224.80 Phil Yantis SSP S UN USA A01571

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