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Location of ranges:
Savon Prikaati’s Kyrönpellon ampumarata, 5 kilometres north from Mikkeli to Jyväskylä. IPSC targets will be the signs. + Orimäen ampumara Orimäentie 164, 51900 Juva
Pre Match 15.7.2016
Registration starts: 16.7.2016 07.00 at Range Offices (Mikkeli Kyrönpirtti and Juva Orimäki)
Match briefing starts: 16.7.2016 08.00 at Range Offices
Shooting starts: 16.7.2016 09.00
Shooting starts: 17.7.2016 09.00
Number of stages: Competition consist of 14 stages + PF.
Number of Rounds: approximately 265 + PF.
Entry fee and registration
Entry fee is 90 € and team 30 € and should be paid before 15th June 2016.
Registration is accepted only if entry fee is paid before deadline.