First name
Last name
1 100.00 722.8564 Hubert Montgomery Open+ SS ZWE A Premier
2 79.64 575.6751 Carlo Belletti Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
3 71.36 515.8087 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ SS ZAF B jimv CG524
4 68.04 491.8041 Joel Cohen Open+ SS ZAF A Golden City
5 63.04 455.7001 Clive Pedersen Open+ SS ZAF B Golden City
6 62.19 449.5608 Peter Holmes Open+ SS ZWE C pistol Spartan
7 59.12 427.3638 Bardev Rowjee Open- SS ZAF C Golden City Shooting Club
8 56.54 408.7017 Martin Lowe Open+ SS ZAF U Roodepoort
9 55.05 397.9220 Niko Min Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
10 44.19 319.4361 Keith Christopher Askham Open+ SS ZAF U jetjungle Golden City
11 43.45 314.0920 Malcolm Cox Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
12 42.70 308.6811 Sashikant Gopal Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City Shooting
13 40.38 291.8784 Heinz Gunter Max Tischmann Open+ SS ZAF C Rpsc
14 36.03 260.4231 Essop Mohamed Open+ SS ZWE U SNIPERS
15 34.24 247.4780 Ramdas Dayaljee Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
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