First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 778.7687 Thomas Montgomery Open+ - ZWE A Premier
2 99.21 772.6105 Dylan Henstock Open+ - ZMB U dillythekid Golden City
3 88.55 689.5656 Justin Peacock Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City / CGPSA
4 86.86 676.4479 Pieter Burger Custom- - ZAF A Gc
5 86.32 672.2571 Hubert Montgomery Open+ SS ZWE A Premier
6 86.28 671.9075 Kenny Van Der Merwe Open+ S ZWE A Snipers
7 85.35 664.6945 Pieter Burger Open- - ZAF A Gc
8 83.96 653.8329 Pieter Bouwer Open+ - ZAF A pieter Golden City
9 78.41 610.6581 Clifford Goosen Production- - ZWE U Vektor
10 75.19 585.5834 Clifford Goosen Custom- - ZWE U Vektor
11 74.94 583.5750 Eddie Smith Open+ S ZAF A Golden City
12 74.75 582.1468 Maciek Michalski Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City
13 73.44 571.9235 Naushaad Cassim Open+ J ZWE B Sporting
14 73.17 569.8203 Daniel Matic Production- - ZAF A automatic Golden City
15 72.95 568.1061 Balthaser Buhrmann Production Optics- - ZAF A Golden City
16 71.55 557.2198 Johan Otto Standard+ J ZWE U Vereeniging
17 70.39 548.2086 Steven Wells Production- - ZWE B Spartan Arms
18 69.97 544.9367 Sean Flannigan Production- - ZAF A irish Golden City
19 69.33 539.9272 Joel Cohen Open+ SS ZAF A Golden City
20 69.25 539.2927 Carlo Belletti Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
21 68.80 535.7961 Deon Potgieter Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U Golden City
22 67.94 529.1121 Freddie Labuschagne Standard+ - ZAF A freddie Golden City
23 67.62 526.5678 Mark Atkins Production Optics- S ZAF A Golden City
24 67.59 526.3888 Herman Combrink Production Optics- - ZWE C Pta Police PSC
25 66.59 518.5872 Pravesh Magan Open+ - ZAF C Golden City
26 66.09 514.7023 Wessel Strydom Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
27 65.46 509.7662 Andy Charalambous Standard+ SS ZWE U Spartan Arms
28 65.36 509.0399 Neelesh Dullabh Open+ - ZAF B golden city
29 64.97 505.9352 Peter Lindstrom Production Optics- - ZAF B pistolpete Golden City
30 64.85 505.0605 Herman Potgieter Classic- S ZAF U harrycane Golden City
31 64.75 504.2433 Peter Holmes Open+ SS ZAF C pistol Golden City
32 64.53 502.5294 Darryl Flannigan Production- - ZAF A 699 Golden City
33 64.40 501.5260 Brad Henstock Open+ S ZAF U brad Golden City
34 63.96 498.1061 Peter Lindstrom Custom- - ZAF B pistolpete Golden City
35 63.44 494.0134 Jan Harm Jacobs Production Optics- S ZAF U Golden City
36 63.13 491.6602 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ SS ZAF B jimv RPSC
37 62.95 490.2148 Herman Potgieter Custom- S ZAF U harrycane Golden City
38 62.35 485.5525 wayne Hammond Custom- S USA A rogue Golden City
39 61.81 481.3816 Eugene Jonker Custom- - ZAF U eugene Golden City
40 61.73 480.7658 wayne Hammond Production Optics- S ZAF A rogue Golden City
41 61.05 475.4324 Leroy Barter Open+ S ZAF A Golden City
42 60.80 473.4904 Yolandi Montgomery Open+ L ZWE C Premier
43 60.18 468.6607 Wyn Robertson Production Optics- - ZAF C Golden city
44 59.95 466.9002 Mohammed Hassen Standard- - ZWE C Sporting
45 59.78 465.5105 Fanie Otto Standard+ S ZWE U Vereeniging
46 59.67 464.6925 Eugene Jonker Production Optics- - ZAF U eugene Golden City
47 59.17 460.7609 Davey Gate Production- - ZAF U gamer Golden City
48 58.57 456.1314 Anthony Kruger Open+ S ZWE U tony HPSC
49 58.54 455.8909 Claudio Massella Open+ S ZAF C Roodepoort
50 58.16 452.9545 Nick Wesley Smuts Standard+ - ZAF C CG1278
51 57.53 448.0031 Warren Bonheim Production Optics- - ZAF C Golden City
52 57.41 447.1100 Dawid Van Reenen Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF D Golden City
53 57.00 443.9146 Nilan Rampershad Production Optics- S ZAF B Magnum
54 56.62 440.9015 Wyn Robertson Custom- - ZAF C Golden city
55 55.61 433.1119 Glen Kruger Standard+ - ZAF U Golden city
56 55.19 429.8367 Frans Pieterse Production- - ZAF B french Golden City
57 54.37 423.4424 Ronel Barter Open+ S ZAF B Golden City
58 54.37 423.4025 Coert Erasmus Open+ S ZAF U Golden City
59 53.71 418.3035 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
60 53.65 417.8368 Balthaser 2 Buhrmann Production- - ZWE A teo vektor
61 51.89 404.1286 Corrie Grove Production Optics- S ZAF U corrie PMPSC
62 51.55 401.4869 Davin Vincent Giles Classic- S ZAF U Golden City
63 51.32 399.6472 Albert Ludick Production- - ZAF U Golden City
64 50.39 392.4190 Otto Hecht Production Optics- S ZWE U otto Frontier
65 50.38 392.3154 Marco Guedes Production- - ZWE C Spartan Arms International
66 49.61 386.3169 Neale Goddard Production- - ZAF U Golden City
67 49.37 384.5136 Bardev Rowjee Open- SS ZAF C Golden City Shooting Club
68 49.22 383.3183 Chris Baxter Production- - ZAF U Roodepoort
69 48.06 374.3128 Garth Beulich Production- - ZAF U Golden City
70 47.81 372.3086 Keith Trollip Standard- - ZAF C GCPSC
71 46.60 362.8834 Kevin Trollip Production Optics- - ZAF C GCPSC
72 45.25 352.4210 Christopher Hanscombe Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden City
73 43.71 340.4308 Sashikant Gopal Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City Shooting
74 42.74 332.8141 Oliver Von Veh Production- - ZAF D Golden city
75 42.11 327.9019 Enver Tim Standard+ SS ZAF U golden city
76 40.45 314.9795 Minette Burger Open- L ZAF U Golden City
77 39.31 306.0964 Jan Schoeman Production- - ZAF U Golden City
78 38.89 302.8728 Dewald Brits Production- - ZAF U Golden City
79 38.48 299.6965 Nicholas Quail Production- - ZAF C trexoquail Golden City Shooting Club
80 38.13 296.9136 Steven Barrett Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
81 37.68 293.4298 Mariette Hecht Open+ L ZWE D mariette Frontier
82 34.20 266.3334 Nadeem Bhyat Production- S ZAF U Golden City
83 34.03 265.0206 Mark Leong Classic+ S ZAF U Golden City
84 33.75 262.8680 Mukhida Ismail Production- L ZAF C
85 33.64 261.9454 Etienne Bester Production- S ZAF U Golden City
86 32.59 253.8172 Duane Wessels Production- - ZAF U Golden City
87 32.00 249.1771 Ramdas Dayaljee Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
88 29.19 227.2876 Larry Class Production- S ZAF M Golden City
89 28.64 223.0734 Darryl Jay Claassen Standard- - ZAF U darryl Golden City
90 25.85 201.3096 Connor Trollip Production Optics- J ZAF U GCPSC
91 23.15 180.3228 Billy Pieterse Production- S ZAF U billy Golden City
92 22.16 172.5380 Ronnie Van Der Merwe Open- - ZAF U Golden City
93 22.04 171.6049 Dalene Baxter Standard- L ZAF U Roodepoort
94 21.92 170.7093 Michael Neves Production- S ZAF U
95 21.28 165.7303 France Manzetti Production- - ZAF U Golden City
96 20.16 156.9860 Minette Burger Custom- L ZAF U Golden City
97 15.15 117.9767 Beverly Pancoust Production- L ZAF U Golden City
98 13.22 102.9650 Derick Van Den Berg Production- - ZAF U golden city
99 10.61 82.6520 Judy Manzetti Production- L ZAF U Golden City
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