First name
Last name
1 100.00 834.2018 Fredrik Wildemo Production- - SWE U fredwild Berga SKF
2 91.34 761.9810 Klas Lundberg Production- - SWE U kfl69 IPSC Västerås
3 90.52 755.1087 Mikael Agnebo Production- - SWE U mikagn VDS
4 87.61 730.8483 Sven Lundberg Production- - SWE U sven IPSC Västerås
5 87.18 727.2240 Christian Wallman Production- - SWE U wallhack SES
6 84.87 707.9683 peter svedberg Production- - SWE U svedde sunsvalls dynamiska skyttar
7 84.10 701.5634 Johan Fredriksson Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
8 82.47 687.9315 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Tyresö
9 82.36 687.0883 Clas Öhman Production- - SWE U clisse Tyresö SKF
10 81.22 677.5289 Kristian Säkki Production- - SWE U Sandviken
11 77.79 648.9448 Fredrik Ekstrand Production- - SWE U Sandviken IPSC
12 77.01 642.4526 Sven Lundin Production- - SWE U lundin LiDS
13 74.75 623.5804 Jimmy Svensson Production- - SWE U ipsc örebro
14 73.67 614.5548 Marcus Palmehorn Production- - SWE U paledaddy Ballongberget skf
15 72.37 603.7140 Niclas Dal Production- - SWE U Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
16 71.88 599.6566 Petter Gullin Production- - SWE U pgullin Klinte Skg
17 71.73 598.3838 Andreas Bagoly Production- - SWE U baggen Tyresö skf
18 71.68 597.9527 Orvar Bäcklin Production- - SWE U htfu BESK
19 71.28 594.6061 John Johansson Production- - SWE U Gotlands Dynamiska
20 71.25 594.3663 Martin Vestin Production- - SWE U ots Västerås IPSC
21 70.42 587.4865 Andreas Karlsson Production- - SWE U addek ses
22 69.83 582.5263 Martin Näslund Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
23 69.45 579.3850 Per Forsling Production- - SWE U slowfeet Åby SK
24 69.31 578.2086 Magnus Granqvist Production- - SWE U kotte69 Bergslagens Skyttar
25 69.10 576.4467 Tarmo Kopakka Production- - SWE U
26 68.99 575.4764 Christian Lingvall Production- - SWE U snake Sandvikens PK
27 68.81 574.0487 Jyrki Mourujärvi Production- - SWE U Västerås IPSC
28 68.72 573.2558 Christian Swedeborg Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
29 68.18 568.7789 Stefan Eriksson Production- - SWE U ster SES
30 67.52 563.2934 Magnus Lindblå Production- - SWE U blueman Rosersberg PK
31 67.52 563.2248 Robin Edlund Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
32 66.18 552.0842 Jiro Nihei Production- - SWE U zatoichi LVF
33 66.11 551.5197 Michael Bjurshagen Production- - SWE U mibj SES
34 64.67 539.4445 Fredrik Lindblad Production- - SWE U fastman666 SES
35 64.42 537.3767 Fredrik Stråhle Production- - SWE U Lidingö SSK
36 64.41 537.2732 Per-Erik Hessling Production- - SWE U VDS
37 63.90 533.0853 Daniel Lindström Production- - SWE U tresk SES
38 63.63 530.7926 Ralf Olofsson Production- - SWE U Gods
39 63.48 529.5377 Stilianos Simeonidis Production- - SWE U Lvf
40 62.47 521.1235 Thomas Nordlund Production- - SWE U zool ÅbySK
41 62.24 519.1744 Bengt-Ole Hamilton Production- - SWE C freixenet Roslagenspistolskyttar
42 61.95 516.7802 Marianne Hansen Production- L SWE U marsch VDS
43 61.66 514.3598 Tobias Augustinson Production- - SWE U BOPS
44 60.29 502.9474 Thomas Lundgren Production- - SWE U tompa21 Tyresö
45 58.54 488.3458 Krister Donred Production- S SWE U kribba SG Dynamics
46 58.16 485.1390 Anders Hedvalls Production- S SWE U Stockholms LVF
47 57.72 481.4777 Javier Soler Production- - SWE U starmp9 Tyresö Skytteförening
48 57.36 478.4652 Ann Harding Production- L SWE U Stockholm Militära & Polisiära skyttar
49 57.24 477.5322 Jonas Kedland Production- - SWE U VDS
50 56.90 474.6266 Madelen Berg Production- L SWE U madly Tyresö SKF
51 56.84 474.1655 Mikael Sörbom Production- - SWE U sorbom Stockholms LVF
52 55.83 465.7601 Teodoros Chatzissavidis Production- - SWE U satan UPS
53 55.62 463.9985 Max Andersson Production- - SWE U maxan Västerorts Dynamiska Skyttar
54 54.30 452.9835 Gabriel Lind Production- - SWE U gabbe Ormen
55 53.36 445.1571 Stellan Forthmeijer Production- - SWE U BBSKF
56 53.11 443.0849 Niklas Lindkvist Production- - SWE U humle Ormen skf
57 51.97 433.5157 Anders Severinsson Production- - SWE U seve Stockholms LFV
58 51.07 426.0021 Oscar von Schultz Production- - SWE U LVF
59 50.17 418.5393 Fredrik Klys Production- - SWE U Bergslagens skyttar
60 49.85 415.8426 Alfredo Wang Pallin Production- - SWE U wangpang lvf
61 49.30 411.2488 Viktor Andersson Production- - SWE U Linköping dynamiska skyttar
62 47.99 400.3258 Oscar Lindqvist Production- - SWE U dumle Ormen skf
63 47.55 396.6904 Fredrik Enmark Production- - SWE U evilfred Ormen
64 47.54 396.5590 Patrik Thuritz Production- - SWE U Precisionsskyttarna
65 46.78 390.2558 Rostam Jazayeri Production- - SWE U
66 46.78 390.2370 Mats Björkheim Production- - SWE U Åby Sk
67 46.69 389.4818 Philip Hedberg Production- - SWE U Lssk
68 43.56 363.3709 Stefan Grahn Production- S SWE U IPSC Örebro
69 42.43 353.9535 Christoffer Malmström Production- - SWE U krk LVF
70 40.08 334.3357 Yvonne Berg Production- L SWE U yb2alpha Ormen Skf
71 35.85 299.0720 Frida Holmkvist Production- L SWE U Stockholms försvarsutbildares skytteförening
72 23.38 195.0644 Annika Nilsson Production- L SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar
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