First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 471.1076 Albin Hylander Production- J SWE U hylanderjunior LaholmsPSK
2 97.13 457.5654 Pär Hylander Production- - SWE U hylander LaholmsPSK
3 77.88 366.9101 Martin Håkansson Classic+ - SWE A hakansson LaholmsPSK
4 75.49 355.6370 Morten Jörgensen Production- - SWE U netromj LaholmsPSK
5 73.28 345.2048 Kristoffer Hall Production- - SWE U misterpresident LaholmsPSK
6 71.30 335.9151 Lorenz Neumann Production Optics- S SWE U lollo LaholmsPSK
7 60.49 284.9623 Björn Mattsson Production- - SWE U mattssons LaholmsPSK
8 59.08 278.3226 Thomas Nygren Production- S SWE U gutta1 LaholmsPSK
9 54.80 258.1445 Andreas Lidberg Standard- - SWE U lidberg LaholmsPSK
10 53.79 253.3855 Annika Johansson Production- L SWE U silverfrost LaholmsPSK
11 48.50 228.4752 Mikael Hallgren Waldeman Production- - SWE U LaholmsPSK
12 48.22 227.1479 Jenny Bäckman Production Optics- L SWE U lizzieluz LaholmsPSK
13 48.11 226.6314 Adam Joza Wilsby Production- - SWE U ajowi LaholmsPSK
14 46.57 219.3918 Angelica Sanchez Production- L SWE U LaholmsPSK
15 19.03 89.6720 Helena Marinovic Classic+ L SWE U revolvermom LaholmsPSK
16 16.76 78.9432 Ronni Söderberg Production- - SWE U LaholmsPSK
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