First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 287.9739 Pär Hylander Pistol Caliber Carbine- - SWE U hylander LaholmsPSK
2 83.61 240.7829 Thomas Nygren Pistol Caliber Carbine- S SWE U gutta1 LaholmsPSK
3 72.90 209.9404 Johan Karlsson Pistol Caliber Carbine- S SWE U odal LaholmsPSK
4 62.51 180.0060 Albin Hylander Pistol Caliber Carbine- J SWE U hylanderjunior LaholmsPSK
5 48.01 138.2667 Jenny Bäckman Pistol Caliber Carbine- L SWE U lizzieluz LaholmsPSK
6 47.37 136.4117 Martin Sundgren Pistol Caliber Carbine- - SWE U sundgren
7 39.78 114.5498 Peter Claesson Pistol Caliber Carbine- - SWE U pc65 LaholmsPSK
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