First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 180.0000 Mikael Jung Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U jung Växjö PK
2 80.34 144.6115 Niklas Magnusson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U fastnaccurate RJPS
3 78.07 140.5190 Kristofer Larsen Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U bruno02 Sthlm M&P
4 73.48 132.2639 Henke Nilsson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE B htt Rosersberg
5 70.17 126.3131 Gustav Malmqvist Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U sludaente STHLM M&P
6 65.28 117.5005 Tomas Frisell Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U frisse STHLM M&P
7 64.52 116.1411 Wilhelm Berndtsson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U berra Ärna IF DS
8 60.50 108.8929 Joakim Östby Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U ostby228 Uppsala DS
9 59.16 106.4950 Jimmy Jacobsson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U draug OSKF
10 54.74 98.5403 Kawar Betkari Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U mero89 OSKF
11 53.30 95.9366 Kalle Frimodt Semi-Auto Limited+ - SWE U stomper TSKF
12 53.27 95.8816 Lars Mattsson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U xxlars Uppsala DS
13 52.54 94.5759 Ronny Olander Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U ronola55 OSKF
14 49.33 88.7995 Magnus Sjöberg Semi-Auto Limited+ S SWE U qm343 OSKF
15 48.36 87.0479 Peter Berglöf Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U therigg RJPS
16 46.42 83.5588 Albin Hylander Semi-Auto Limited- J SWE U hylanderjunior LaholmsPSK
17 40.88 73.5764 Fredrik Johrin Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U adamqvintus Lesjöfors Pistolklubb
18 39.79 71.6246 Christoffer Borgh Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U rifle223 RJPS
19 38.88 69.9753 Jenny Bäckman Semi-Auto Limited- L SWE U lizzieluz LaholmsPSK
20 36.68 66.0327 Peter Claesson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U pc65 LaholmsPSK
21 33.61 60.4976 Ola Åberg Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U pistola Kumla Sportskyttar
22 32.05 57.6893 Anders Johansson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U Uppsala DS
23 31.38 56.4861 Johan Karlsson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U odal LaholmsPSK
24 28.78 51.7995 Max Andersson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U maxan Rosersberg
25 25.84 46.5207 Magnus Lindblå Semi-Auto Limited+ - SWE U blueman Rosersberg
26 19.40 34.9191 Daniel Olsson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U danols Umeå PK
27 3.55 6.3930 Thomas Nygren Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U gutta1 LaholmsPSK
28 0.00 0.0000 Martin Sundgren Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U Laholms PSK
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