First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 332.3013 Ivan Lundgren Open+ - SWE U gungun Klinte SKG
2 74.13 246.3269 Sonny Stenström Standard- - SWE U ess Visborgs SKF
3 73.31 243.6089 Jimmy Tell Production Optics- - SWE U Visborgs SKF
4 64.67 214.8987 Adam Lundgren Classic- - SWE U ava Klinte SKG
5 56.19 186.7257 Adrian Bolin Solblad Production Optics- - SWE U Visborgs SKF
6 55.33 183.8473 Leif Ankarsköld Standard- - SWE U greven Klinte SKG
7 53.29 177.0778 Ronny Lundin Production- S SWE U ronlun Visborgs SKF
8 48.02 159.5603 Dag Svensson Production- - SWE U Klinte Skyttegille
9 44.86 149.0656 Sven Olsson Production Optics- S USA U Visborg
10 40.92 135.9881 John Joelsson Production- - SWE U Visborg
11 40.37 134.1550 Gustaf Gardell Production- - SWE U gustaf Visborgs Skytteförening
12 35.89 119.2733 Sebastian Ahnell Standard- - SWE U Visborg
13 34.67 115.2062 Erik Wannberg Standard- - SWE U erikw Visborgs SKF
14 34.52 114.7248 Thony Olsson Production- - SWE U Visborgs
15 29.43 97.7905 Ulf Hansson Standard- S SWE U Visborgs SKF
16 24.55 81.5639 Patrik Joelsson Production- - SWE U Visborg
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