First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 677.1629 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK U jan63 SSIN
2 90.38 612.0263 Kim Wiencken Standard- S DNK U ventureshooter SSIN
3 74.88 507.0921 Ulrik Saxhøj Standard- S DNK U jafro Slagelse
4 73.91 500.4957 Goran Radosavljevic Standard+ S DNK U mariabonita SSF-1910
5 72.58 491.4680 Johan Mastrell Standard- S DNK U medicinmand SSIN
6 70.10 474.7148 Ole Victor Standard- SS SWE U oahv CPS / Nybro PK
7 61.12 413.9012 Michael Østerberg Standard- S DNK U Bellahøj Skytteforening
8 56.33 381.4308 kim poulsen Standard- S DNK U Fredriksberg skyttelaug
9 54.40 368.3465 Claus Sander Standard- S DNK U BVS
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