First name
Last name
1 100.00 560.9368 Bjarte Drange Classic- - NOR U
2 95.22 534.1015 Tore Varlid Production- - NOR U gungne BSK
3 92.77 520.3658 Ole Eilertsen Classic- - NOR U NHPK
4 88.69 497.5154 Simon Ravn Production- - NOR U raven BSK
5 88.58 496.8504 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Open+ S NOR U bos62 BSK
6 87.58 491.2506 Øystein Paulsen Pistol Caliber Carbine- - NOR U BSK
7 83.26 467.0254 Espen Hellesøy Production- - NOR U NHPK
8 82.07 460.3367 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Production Optics- - NOR U cmn BSK
9 80.42 451.1046 Morten Myking Standard- - NOR U NHPK
10 73.38 411.6082 Arne Monsen Production Optics- S NOR U bergenbom BEP
11 72.62 407.3677 Ole-Edvard Hagen Open- - NOR U BEP
12 70.25 394.0503 Atle Meyer Production- - NOR U meyer BEP
13 70.02 392.7906 Vidar Andreassen Classic+ - NOR U wolf1911 Nordhordaland Pistolklubb
14 68.47 384.0610 Hans Martin Ese Production- - NOR U hansa BEP
15 68.28 383.0044 Roald Torkildsen Production- - NOR U roto SSH
16 68.23 382.6997 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production- - NOR U BEP
17 67.97 381.2456 Ove Sivertsen Production- - NOR U Bsk
18 67.35 377.8085 Christer Kolltveit Production- - NOR U chrikol BSK
19 66.53 373.1700 Åsmund Veland Standard- - NOR U Nordhordaland Pistolklubb
20 65.31 366.3469 Ola Sørland Classic- - NOR U BEP
21 63.71 357.3616 Stig Gøran Olsen Production- S NOR U BSK
22 58.00 325.3188 Kjetil Høyme Production- - NOR U ramanza NHPK
23 57.32 321.5061 Patrick Kolltveit Production- - NOR U patmeizter BSK
24 55.45 311.0652 Martin Bruvoll Pistol Caliber Carbine- - NOR U BSK
25 55.24 309.8845 Torstein Hegge Skrindsrud Production- - NOR U BSK
26 54.56 306.0673 Yngve Rørstadbotten-Hæve Production- - NOR U yhaeve BSK
27 49.77 279.1934 Rune Toft Production- - NOR U BSK
28 47.18 264.6304 Daniel Hagenes Standard- - NOR U tjuetre BEP
29 47.00 263.6618 Lasse Brunborg Production- - NOR U badger BSK
30 46.55 261.1308 Vidar T. Olsen Production- - NOR U Alta Sportskytterklubb
31 45.35 254.3895 Trond Mjåtveit Hansen Classic- - NOR U trond BSK
32 43.76 245.4397 Odd-Ramon Haukeland Steen Production- - NOR U BSK
33 41.37 232.0872 Håkon Sekse Production- - NOR U BSK
34 38.09 213.6792 Andreas Gripsgård Production- J NOR U BSK
35 31.78 178.2526 Frode Lyngbø Production- - NOR U camouflage
36 31.56 177.0550 Jonas Maalen Production- - NOR U BSK
37 28.74 161.2370 Kenneth Hagen Production- S NOR U bergensporsskytterklubb
38 28.37 159.1390 Andreas Høiland Production- - NOR U BSK
39 14.35 80.5179 Philip Sivertsen Production- SJ NOR U Bsk
40 7.63 42.8253 Sara Sivertsen Production- J NOR U Bsk
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