First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 864.0397 Lars Hagemann Production- - DNK U hagemann SIRT
2 83.48 721.2931 Søren Larsen Production- - DNK U wessel Ssin
3 77.96 673.6041 Claus Henneberg Production- - DNK U SSIN
4 69.58 601.1698 David K. Grainger Production- - DNK U grainger SIF
5 65.45 565.5208 Kristian bartholin Production- - DNK U Ssin
6 63.37 547.5089 Jacob Sorensen Production- - DNK U SSIN
7 57.63 497.9184 Timmi Mensah Production- - DNK U Sif
8 57.27 494.8313 Heidi Boline Christiansen Production- L DNK U ssin
9 56.86 491.2814 Jens Christian Heltø Production- - DNK U Brøndbyvester Skytteforening
10 55.39 478.5523 Dan Hejlemann Olsen Production- - DNK U ssin
11 43.20 373.3037 Thomas Dyregaard Production- - DNK U SSIN
12 42.26 365.1776 Jannich Low Production- J DNK U SSIN
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