First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 386.6387 Greger Kontojoki Open - SWE U MSG
2 96.44 372.8755 Frederic Nilsson Open - SWE U scorpan MSG
3 96.14 371.7263 Örjan Lindgren Standard - SWE U banarne357 MSG
4 94.42 365.0450 Jesper Dahlskog Standard - SWE U dahlskog MSG
5 88.02 340.3317 Martin Johansson Standard S SWE U MSG
6 82.21 317.8686 Daniel Hansson Open S SWE U MSG
7 70.92 274.1996 Kim Skogström Standard S SWE U MSG
8 69.75 269.6737 ola malmqvist Standard S SWE U MSG
9 69.72 269.5500 Otto Persson Standard - SWE U oper MSG
10 68.78 265.9478 Carl Schultze Standard Manual - SWE U schultze MSG
11 67.88 262.4458 Richard K Standard - SWE U rika MSG
12 51.51 199.1660 Göran Majvall Standard S SWE U skaning MSG
13 50.50 195.2516 Mats Ahlqvist Open S SWE U matti MSG
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