First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 178.0616 Niklas Magnusson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U fastnaccurate RJPS
2 89.88 160.0359 Gustav Malmqvist Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U sludaente STHLM M&P
3 84.11 149.7606 Carl Schultze Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U schultze MSG
4 80.18 142.7743 Jimmy Heidenbeck Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U RJPS
5 78.92 140.5301 Jimmy Jacobsson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U draug OSKF
6 68.95 122.7721 Daniel Holmgren Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U danneh BOPS
7 63.09 112.3427 Christopher Lundberg Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U clg NSG
8 61.87 110.1717 Jon Bergsten Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U bergsten STHLM M&P
9 61.14 108.8698 Bruno Lönn Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U leochvinka RJPS
10 60.05 106.9242 Erik Willner Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U eriwil BOPS
11 59.73 106.3541 Magnus Sjöberg Semi-Auto Limited+ S SWE U qm343 OSKF
12 59.51 105.9574 Andreas Björklind Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U fluffy Smedsbo PK
13 57.47 102.3376 Ronny Olander Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U ronola55 OSKF
14 40.80 72.6537 Peter Berglöf Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U therigg RJPS
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