First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 99.5967 Niklas Magnusson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U fastnaccurate RJPS
2 93.26 92.8855 Ronny Olander Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U ronola55 OSKF
3 92.65 92.2792 Kevin Borgqvist Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U Livgardets skytteförening
4 90.66 90.2983 Tony Johansson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U alien555 Smedsbo PK
5 85.45 85.1009 Magnus Sjöberg Semi-Auto Limited+ S SWE U qm343 OSKF
6 81.79 81.4562 Stefan Stål Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE C fenrisulven Rosersberg
7 66.62 66.3486 Patrik Hållpås Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U patrik Security Group Dynamics
8 65.90 65.6357 Lars Hagman Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U BOPS
9 64.98 64.7146 Stefan Willehadson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U willehad Uppsala DS
10 60.65 60.4072 Björn Sjöberg Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U bjorns Uppsala DS
11 43.19 43.0155 Olof Rubin Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U rubydoc Överum
12 41.21 41.0447 Peter Berglöf Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U therigg RJPS
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