First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 795.7046 Frank Sandås Open+ - NOR M celeritas OKTS
2 98.64 784.8680 Eli Huttner Open+ - DNK U eligator SSIN
3 97.92 779.1658 Johan Nordberg Open+ - SWE U johann GDS
4 85.26 678.4251 Jens Sandberg Open+ - SWE U jens VSD
5 84.20 669.9768 Bjarne Larning Open+ - SWE U VSD
6 77.82 619.1913 Marcus Molin Open+ - SWE U Västsvenska DS
7 74.38 591.8053 David Ståhl Open+ - SWE U goliat40 GDS
8 72.48 576.7642 Niklas Arabäck Open+ - SWE U nboy VSD
9 62.20 494.9218 Thomas Hjelm Open+ - SWE U ipscnooben Torup
10 58.72 467.1999 Daniel Lilienberg Open+ - SWE U mcping HPK
11 57.25 455.5725 Heidi Boline Christiansen Open+ L DNK U ssin
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