First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 440.8692 Knut Bergsbakk Production Optics- - NOR U KDS
2 99.96 440.7125 Ståle Eilertsen Pistol Caliber Carbine- - NOR U firefly KDS
3 96.41 425.0393 Tore Fiborg Pistol Caliber Carbine- S NOR U minfoglio Agdenes pk
4 96.04 423.4063 oddvar storli Production Optics- - NOR U storodd KDS
5 84.67 373.2808 Asle Ellingsgård Production Optics- - NOR U elling -MDS- Molde Dynamiske Skyttere
6 78.93 347.9968 Roar Holden Standard+ S NOR U roho TFS
7 75.31 332.0106 Jan Erik Kjønsvik Production- - NOR U jek HPK
8 71.68 316.0234 Are Skotnes Production- - NOR U areskot MDS
9 66.74 294.2169 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- S NOR U moyesman Trondheim Feltskyttere
10 63.98 282.0462 Dan Hagerup Production- - NOR U hagdanerup MDS
11 61.52 271.2160 Eirik Sigbjørnsen Production Optics- S NOR U eirikpewpew KDS
12 48.51 213.8503 Anita Larsen Production- L NOR U anilar TFS
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