First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 460.7941 Per A Hansen Production Optics- - NOR U perbh TFS
2 88.75 408.9537 Oddvar Storli Production Optics- - NOR U storodd KDS
3 75.95 349.9505 Knut Bergsbakk Production Optics- - NOR U KDS
4 75.47 347.7533 Håkon Laksberg Production Optics- - NOR U laxen KDS - Kristiansund Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
5 57.41 264.5427 Jan Erik Waldal Production Optics- - NOR U Kristiansund Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
6 49.91 229.9713 Asle Ellingsgård Production Optics- - NOR U elling -MDS- Molde Dynamiske Skyttere
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