First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 748.5951 Johan Otto Production- J ZAF U Vereeniging
2 80.07 599.4028 Rudo Louw Production- - ZAF U Golden City Practical Shooting Club
3 78.06 584.3420 Coert Erasmus Production- S ZAF U Golden City
4 76.50 572.6690 Wayne Hammond Production- S ZAF A rogue
5 70.95 531.1287 Schalk Du Plessis Production- - ZAF U schalk Golden City
6 68.82 515.2011 Tony Rodrigues Production- S ZAF C Golden city
7 60.31 451.4758 Etienne Burger Production- - ZWE U Wolwehoek
8 42.84 320.6875 Franco Cirone Production- S ZAF U GOLDEN CITY
9 41.61 311.5139 Duane Wessels Production- - ZAF U Golden City
10 30.05 224.9558 Tim Bullock Production- SS ZAF U Golden City
11 23.97 179.4453 Rudie Liebenberg Production- J ZAF U Golden City Shooting Club
12 11.25 84.2245 Beverly Pancoust Production- L ZAF U GCDPC
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