First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 165.0000 Kim Aarmo Production- - NOR U RDS Romeriket dynamiske skyttere
2 90.27 148.9444 Markus Olaussen Production- - NOR U VSS
3 83.42 137.6475 Espen Olsvik Production- - NOR U NOP
4 70.45 116.2384 Tobias Antonsen Production- S NOR U
5 58.23 96.0845 Tom Balgaard Production- - NOR U
6 56.67 93.5081 Dennis Andersen Production- S NOR U RĂ¥de pistol lag
7 46.61 76.9008 Espen Johansen Production- - NOR U
8 44.34 73.1635 Ole-Marius Kildedal Production- - USA U NOP
9 42.94 70.8578 Dias Assembayev Production- - NOR U OKTS
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