First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 679.2055 Tim Iversen Standard- - DNK - SSF /SSIN
2 97.86 664.6799 Runi Skoubjerg Standard- - FRO - coroni SAS/SSIN
3 94.36 640.9165 Jan Bodé Standard+ S DNK - jan63 SSIN / CPS
4 94.32 640.6188 Kresten Hellberg Standard- - DNK - SSIN
5 93.32 633.8188 Stevan Klausen Standard- - DNK - Skanderborg Stilling
6 90.58 615.2162 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- - DNK - SSIN
7 89.88 610.4895 Max Larsen Standard+ - DNK - max Nyk.Sj/SSIN
8 83.96 570.2274 Bjørn Severin Standard- - DNK - SSIN / SAS
9 83.87 569.6222 Kim Wiencken Standard- S DNK - ventureshooter SSIN
10 81.75 555.2733 Jens Mathiesen Standard- S DNK - Lunde SG&I
11 79.77 541.8230 Lasse Poulsen Standard- - DNK - poulsen DSF/CPS
12 78.95 536.2340 Blago Ivkovic Standard- - DNK - SSIN
13 78.09 530.4135 Ulrik Saxhøj Standard- S DNK - jafro SSIN
14 76.35 518.5844 Carsten Husman Standard- - DNK - husman Lunde S.G&I
15 76.10 516.8774 Hans Larsen Standard+ - DNK - donlarsen Aalborg skyttekres
16 72.97 495.6068 Allan Herloev Standard- - DNK - Vigersted Skytteforening
17 72.33 491.2720 Jens-Micael Johansen Standard- - DNK - jensmicael SSIN
18 69.10 469.3370 Håkan Spuhr Standard- - SWE - customluger MSG
19 64.80 440.0915 Stefan Westh Wiencken Standard- - DNK - SSIN
20 59.69 405.4148 Steen Bagger Standard- SS DNK - SSIN
21 57.30 389.1769 Torben Lilholm Standard- S DNK -
22 56.26 382.1225 Niels Eriksen Standard- S DNK - SSIN
23 53.16 361.0884 Lars Petersen Standard+ - DNK - Nyk. Sj.
24 52.79 358.5378 Micki Palmann Standard- - DNK -
25 51.98 353.0720 Rasmus Munch Standard- - DNK - LGI
26 50.18 340.8070 Thomas Mikkelsen Standard- - DNK -
27 43.27 293.9038 Morten Ziersen Standard- S DNK - SSIN
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