results for IPSC Örebros KM HAGEL

Open Standard Standard Manual Combined Compare statistics results return
First name
Last name
1 100.00 282.7165 Joel Svensson Open - SWE U joels IPSC Örebro
2 87.86 248.4008 Jimmy Svensson Standard Manual - SWE U 9mm IPSC Örebro
3 81.67 230.9061 jaakko kangasvieri Standard Manual - SWE U jaakko IPSC Örebro
4 79.39 224.4562 Glenn Johansson Standard - SWE U harakin IPSC Örebro
5 70.04 198.0270 Kai Koskinen Open S SWE U kaikos IPSC Örebro
6 63.39 179.2196 Björn Larsson Standard Manual - SWE U bjarven IPSC Örebro
7 63.17 178.6020 Andreas Eriksson Standard Manual - SWE U tearlech IPSC ÖREBRO
8 60.27 170.3991 Stefan Grahn Standard Manual SS SWE U mccoy IPSC Örebro
9 54.92 155.2583 Jonas A Standard - SWE U fnusnu IPSC Örebro
10 46.25 130.7531 Niklas Eriksson Open - SWE U swe3675 IPSC Örebro
11 44.58 126.0356 David Levin Standard Manual - SWE U spislucka IPSC Örebro
12 38.44 108.6759 Tobias Jacobsson Standard Manual - SWE U IPSC Örebro
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