First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 523.5272 Mats Parhammar Standard+ S SWE U mapa BBSKF (och Sthlm Lvf )
2 96.98 507.7139 Patrik Svedlund Standard+ - SWE A 2fast4u BBSKF
3 92.59 484.7249 Roland Dahlman Standard+ - SWE U roland LSSK
4 90.26 472.5524 Jari Rosenblad Standard+ - SWE U jaro RPK
5 87.85 459.8965 Max Hartow Standard+ - SWE U maxhardcore UPS
6 87.62 458.6913 Daniel Falk Standard+ - SWE U dajo75 UPS
7 83.63 437.8145 Robert Rob Andersson Standard- - SWE U rad Tyresö SKF
8 82.54 432.1129 Ivar Edfeldt Standard- - SWE U revolverivar RJPS
9 81.43 426.3082 Mikael Dahlberg Standard+ - SWE U mida BBSKF
10 79.03 413.7382 Allen Sehagic Standard- - SWE U Västerorts Dynamiska Skyttar (VDS)
11 77.93 407.9640 Heinz Johansson Standard+ - SWE U ÅBY SK
12 77.34 404.8924 Tommy Hellberg Standard+ - SWE C varjen UPS
13 76.88 402.5048 chris jonkers Standard+ - SWE U chijo GuDS
14 76.28 399.3523 Sam Garpensund Standard- - SWE U BBSKF
15 74.09 387.8954 Ola Forsberg Standard+ - SWE U forsbergo Tyresö SKF
16 73.13 382.8759 John JM Prpic Standard- - SWE U josen Åby SK
17 72.14 377.6912 Janne Komminaho Standard- - SWE U janko UPS
18 70.94 371.4069 Mathias Brännvall Standard+ - SWE U beaver UPS
19 67.72 354.5436 Henrik Matern Standard+ SS SWE U hachiman BBSKF
20 62.84 328.9790 Lars-Göran Dehlin Standard- - SWE U larsa IPSC Sandviken
21 62.67 328.1019 Mats Tunfalk Standard- S SWE U tuktech UPS
22 60.80 318.3108 Thomas Edvardsson Standard- - SWE U fader ST:ESKILS
23 60.49 316.7024 alexander ellstrom Standard- - SWE U BBSKF
24 58.14 304.3682 Jonas Eriksson Standard- - SWE U leadmonger UPS
25 56.75 297.0824 Karl Håkansson Standard- - SWE U kelle Uppsala Pistolskyttar
26 51.97 272.0952 Janne Gregnert Standard+ SS SWE D biggee GODS
27 51.62 270.2341 Konstantin Chow Standard- S SWE U konta Ballongberget
28 48.98 256.4486 Torbjörn Egil Standard+ - SWE U alfadude Åby SK
29 45.44 237.8799 oscar veddevik Standard+ - SWE U ups
30 40.04 209.6039 Daniel Veddevik Standard+ - SWE U danielveddevik Ups
31 34.63 181.2745 Simon Sapranidis Standard- - SWE U simonsays Ballonberget SKF
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