COMBINED Final team results for C4 open - SM i Revolver, Classic & Prod.

results return
1. 100.0000 3141.1134 6. Torups PK Production - - -
2. 95.0700 2986.1088 10. GPIF PRODUCTION Production - - -
3. 92.5800 2908.0995 2. Växjö PK Production SWE - -
4. 92.3800 2901.6833 12. VDS Production Production - - -
5. 92.3700 2901.3710 5. Sandvikens PSK Production SWE - -
6. 88.8200 2789.8655 3. S:t Eskils skyttar, Prod lag 1 Production - - -
7. 84.0200 2639.1672 14. SGD Production SWE - U
8. 83.8000 2632.2226 15. Lag Blå Production SWE - -
9. 82.9400 2605.3844 9. Göteborgs Dynamiska Skyttar Production SWE - -
10. 82.3800 2587.7101 18. VSD lag Svart Production SWE - -
11. 80.4500 2527.0867 13. IPSC Västerås Production SWE - -
12. 80.3200 2523.0208 11. GPIF PRODUCTION 2 Production - - -
13. 77.5600 2436.3172 24. Kullen Production Production SWE - -
14. 67.7300 2127.4634 22. Malmö pro1 Production SWE - -
15. 67.1500 2109.2358 23. Malmö pro2 Production SWE - -
16. 66.4400 2086.9115 16. Lag Korkskruv Production SWE - -
17. 65.5300 2058.3093 19. Sthlm M&P Production - - -
18. 59.6100 1872.3203 4. S:t Eskils skyttar, Prod lag 2 Production - - -
19. 56.7100 1781.4695 20. Kullen Classic Classic - - U
20. 53.9800 1695.4617 8. Jönköpings PK Revolver SWE - -
21. 52.1700 1638.6148 17. Torups Pk Classic Team Classic SWE - -
22. 49.9000 1567.2714 21. Malmö classics Classic SWE - -
23. 37.8200 1187.9003 1. IPSC Kristianstad Classic SWE - -
24. 31.5300 990.4400 25. MSG Classics 2 Classic - - -

A team will have max 4 team members, the team result will be base on the best 3 team member results.

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