First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1051.3903 Frede Stenslie Open+ - NOR U remrand
2 93.80 986.1652 Jo Torgeir Skjerdal Open+ - NOR U goggen SKIPP
3 93.39 981.9247 Bard Kristiansen Production- - NOR GM imezy HPS
4 93.28 980.7005 Tor Martin Kandal Production- - NOR M noshoot NVS
5 93.01 977.9023 Pål Ripnes Production Optics- - NOR U ripnes SSL-H
6 92.79 975.6353 Tor Ketil Krogh Olsen Production Optics- - NOR M torpompido
7 91.28 959.6690 Odd Strengenes Production- S NOR U oddman Hamar Praktiske Skyttere
8 89.84 944.6111 Simen Amundsen Production Optics- - NOR M siam NOP
9 88.03 925.5383 Knut Bergsbakk Production Optics- - NOR U MDS
10 86.11 905.3398 Glen Hylander Production- - NOR U ghylander SSL
11 85.95 903.7078 Marius Breivik Open+ - NOR B mariusb NVS
12 85.63 900.2619 Stefan Winsnes Standard+ - NOR U skw007 ASK
13 84.54 888.8450 Eivind H. Gjerde Standard- - NOR U pangpang KPK
14 84.35 886.8247 Terje Andersen Production Optics- - NOR B triggerterje NOP
15 83.76 880.6134 Vegard Natvik Standard- - NOR U nattstaff
16 82.52 867.6199 Ben Øye Standard+ - NOR B benoipsc TOP-DSS
17 81.46 856.4792 Pål-Erik Ruud Production- S NOR U peruud RDS
18 81.42 856.0877 Espen S Fiskebeck Classic- - NOR U esp1 RDS
19 80.75 848.9785 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR A folkem DSSNPistol
20 80.38 845.0669 Frank Nykrem Open+ S NOR U flykrem NVS
21 78.24 822.6349 Christopher Thorstensen Classic- - NOR U klatrechris OKTS
22 78.24 822.6160 Simon Ravn Production- - NOR U ravenator BSK
23 77.24 812.0420 Jonny André Berg Production- - NOR U jonny Florø PK
24 76.38 803.0340 Endre Stanghelle Open+ - NOR U NVS
25 75.72 796.0634 Bjørn Johnny Kvalen Open+ - NOR U bjkvalen NVS
26 75.50 793.7839 Stig Aarmo Classic- - NOR U NOP
27 74.08 778.8209 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Classic- - NOR U indijan NOP
28 73.61 773.9517 Øystein Skog Production- - NOR U captskog IDS
29 73.38 771.5475 Ståle Kvalheim Open+ S NOR U MDS
30 73.21 769.7602 Benjamin Hillem Classic- - NOR U sugarrdaddy69 ASK
31 73.01 767.6103 Rune Lillerust Open+ - NOR U rusten SFS
32 71.84 755.2803 Morten Klov Classic- S NOR U morten SSL
33 71.57 752.4294 Alvin Alforte Classic- - NOR U doubleaa TFS
34 69.97 735.6227 Andreas Venås Production Optics Light- - NOR U loneranger HPK
35 69.83 734.1754 Ronny Røise Standard- - NOR A bigwolf
36 68.89 724.3192 Fredrik Jørgensen Standard- - NOR U einherjer Sfs
37 68.56 720.8249 Rune Hovde Classic+ - USA U TFS
38 68.30 718.0641 Øystein Fiskå Classic- - NOR U 3pointjam NVS
39 68.13 716.3467 Bjørn Lindblad Production- S NOR B beteel MPK
40 66.94 703.8180 Joacim Moen Volle Production- - NOR C volle MDS
41 65.18 685.2813 Lars Mørk Production- - NOR U larsmork NOP
42 64.31 676.1505 Tanya Marlene Tysnes Production- L NOR U tysnes OKTS
43 64.02 673.0645 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Classic- - NOR U kimma ASK
44 64.01 672.9852 Maximilian Van Veen Standard- - NOR U max Sogn og Fjordane sportskyttarklubb
45 63.82 670.9506 Asle Ellingsgård Production Optics- - NOR U elling -MDS- Molde Dynamiske Skyttere
46 63.33 665.8191 Piotr Sitek Production- - NOR U SFS
47 63.13 663.7623 Renate Sand Standard- L NOR U ASK
48 63.01 662.4848 Hans Martin Ese Production Optics- - NOR U hansa BSK
49 62.91 661.3841 Hans Olav Lee Production- - NOR U NVS
50 62.55 657.6104 Emanuel Holmberg Production- - NOR U
51 62.39 655.9639 Rune Wilhelmsen Classic- S NOR U ricwilh Lågen Sportsskyttere
52 62.04 652.2485 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production Optics- S NOR U moyesman Trondheim Feltskyttere
53 61.93 651.0737 Are Skotnes Production- - NOR U areskot MDS
54 61.35 645.0555 Adrian Einang Production Optics- - NOR U Hemne Pistolklubb
55 61.29 644.3619 Tage Martinsen Production Optics- S NOR U sealcat1911 RDS
56 61.18 643.2386 Bjørn R. Martinussen Standard- - NOR C brumm OKTS
57 61.14 642.7807 Øystein Rambøl Production- - NOR U oysteinr SSL
58 60.85 639.8189 Jerzy Sokol Standard- - NOR U BEP
59 60.76 638.8259 Kristian Karlsen Production- - NOR U ASSK
60 60.11 631.9774 Dan Hagerup Production Optics- - NOR U hagdanerup MDS - Molde Dynamiske Skyttere
61 60.05 631.3916 Einar Bakke Production- - NOR U einar OKTS
62 60.01 630.9793 Svein Hallvard Hagerup Production- - NOR U hall Mds
63 59.80 628.7004 Yngve Rørstadbotten-Hæve Production- - NOR U yhaeve BSK
64 59.33 623.7556 Bastian Myhre Classic- - NOR B bazerpunk NVS
65 59.09 621.3038 Robert Dobosz Production- - NOR U saint SFS
66 58.82 618.4343 Håkon Laksberg Production Optics- - NOR U laxen KDS
67 58.71 617.2426 Geir Ove Liavag Standard- SS NOR U gol NVS
68 58.55 615.6013 Kristian Hundven Production- - NOR U einstein BEP
69 58.22 612.1249 Øystein Soleng Classic- - NOR U 9180 Nsk
70 57.73 606.9650 Stian Jenssen Production- - NOR U BSK
71 57.63 605.8955 Ole Morten Svingen Open- - NOR U Sogn og Fjordane Sportskytterklubb
72 57.60 605.6452 Tobias Utigard Production- - NOR U MDS
73 57.57 605.2385 Gert Are Hildrestrand Standard- - NOR U vingnut NVS
74 56.76 596.7375 Vidar Stokkenes Grinde Production Optics- - NOR U doublev SSL-Haugesund
75 56.56 594.6297 Trond Sørhøy Production- S NOR U tronds TFS
76 56.12 590.0115 Christian Karlsen Production- - NOR U IDS
77 55.79 586.5774 Anna Louise Axelsen Standard- L NOR U ASK
78 55.00 578.3136 Piotr Przygocki Production Optics Light- - NOR U putin SSL-H
79 54.81 576.2873 Jonas Holten Standard- - NOR U badger MDS
80 54.81 576.2340 Kenneth Søvdsnes Classic+ - NOR U recoilmadness NVS
81 54.63 574.3526 Willy André Bergstrøm Standard- - NOR U willyandre NVS
82 53.67 564.2469 Benedicte Adelheide Production- L NOR U Trondheim Feltskyttere
83 53.38 561.2701 Kristian Hjelkrem Classic- - NOR U KDS
84 53.09 558.2065 Allan Solheim Production Optics- - NOR U Florø PK
85 52.77 554.8263 Ann-Cathrin Hansen Production- L NOR U shadow9x19 SFS
86 52.73 554.3718 Marius Watn Production- - NOR U marius MDS
87 52.60 553.0622 Stian Nøkland Production- - NOR U powerlineman SSS
88 52.08 547.5966 Stian Søvdsnes Classic- - NOR U NVS
89 51.68 543.3225 Andre Lægreid Production Optics- - NOR U SFS
90 51.67 543.2268 Kjetil Vang Open+ - NOR U Lågen Sportskyttere
91 51.00 536.2045 Hugo M Hansen Production- S NOR C doubleh Setermoen Sportsskytter Klubb
92 50.30 528.8756 Inger Skjold Bratli Production- L NOR U ingerskjold NOP
93 50.10 526.7454 Rolf Dahl Production- - NOR D mr223 NVS
94 50.09 526.6476 Anita Larsen Production Optics- L NOR U anilar TFS
95 50.05 526.2473 Geir Pedersen Open+ S NOR U glp SFS
96 50.04 526.0820 Jonas Liavåg Standard- - NOR U NVS
97 48.22 506.9487 Jan Ole Reksnes Production Optics- - NOR U SFS
98 47.57 500.1117 Hans Van Veen Open+ S NOR U texas SFS
99 47.29 497.2109 Tor-Eirik Sødergren Production Optics- - NOR U
100 46.88 492.8907 Erlend Nybø Standard- - NOR U SFS
101 46.79 491.9058 Arne Göncz Production- - NOR U NVS
102 46.54 489.3440 Anders Gunbjornsen Production Optics- SS NOR U andiz RPK
103 46.17 485.3990 Erik Gravem Production- - NOR U Tfs
104 43.96 462.1616 Bjørn Egil Larsen Standard- - NOR U texasranger NVS
105 43.61 458.4838 Svein Olav Nilsen Production Optics Light- S NOR U haarek Hemne Pistolklubb
106 42.81 450.0983 Kåre Sundland Production- - NOR U sundland
107 41.74 438.9016 Ragnar Hongset Production- - NOR U SSL
108 41.06 431.6741 Arve Yttri Production- S NOR U yttrien SFS
109 40.76 428.5459 Gunnar Nyhus Production- S NOR U Sogn og Fjordane Sportsskyttarklubb
110 40.45 425.2361 Bente Lura Production Optics- L NOR U lura NOP
111 40.12 421.7824 Arnt-Ove Honningsvåg Standard- SS NOR U NVS
112 38.85 408.4810 Kjellbjørn Fossheim Standard- - NOR U mclovin Sfs
113 37.34 392.5496 Knut Strømmen Production- S NOR U SFS
114 36.06 379.1140 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Standard- S NOR U rhb NVS
115 34.10 358.5724 Einar Johan Holst Open- SS NOR U godtnok MPK
116 33.81 355.4674 Anders Dale Classic+ - NOR U NVS
117 31.78 334.1561 Adrian Skjåstad Vassbotn Classic- - NOR U oof NVS
118 26.69 280.5782 Karoline Sætervik Production- L NOR U karoline MDS
119 24.71 259.8453 Ole Raymond Båtstad Production- - NOR U NVS
120 23.81 250.3654 Kåre-Anton Midtsian Production Optics Light- - NOR U Hemne PK
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